You can import files by selecting the “Import” option from “Import/Export” submenu (from the “File” menu). After selecting the “Import” option you will be presented with a dialog similar to the one shown in Figure 1. Use the popup menu near the bottom to show specific types of files. If you wish to get sounds, TEXT resources or PICTs from any file, you must select “Sound Files”, “Text Resource” or “PICT Resource” from the popup menu. An explanation of each of the import file types is below.
Figure 1 - Import Dialog
Figure 2 - Import Types Popup Menu
• All Standard Types: Select this option to show all standard file types supported by ScrapIt Pro (e.g., PICT, TEXT, GIFf, TIFF, JPEG, moov, Scrap, MacPaint, QuickDraw 3D and System 7 sound files).
NOTE: If you want to get a sound, text item or picture from any other file types (such as a game application) you must use the specific “PICT Resource”, “TEXT Resource” or “Sound Files” from the popup menu.
• Text Files - Will show any TEXT files available for importing.
• PICT Files - Will show any PICT files available for importing.
• Paint Files - Will show any Paint files available for importing.
• Sound Files - Will show any files that contain 'snd ' resources (such as game files). If you select a file with more than 1 'snd ', you will be presented with a dialog that you can view all the sounds and will be able to select 1 or several sounds to import at the same time (by Shift-clicking or Command-clicking items in the list).
• QuickTime Movies - Will show any QuickTime movie files available for importing.
• QuickDraw 3D Files - Will show any QuickDraw 3D files available for importing.
• EPSF Files - Will show any EPSF files available for importing.
• GIF Files - Will show all GIF files available for importing.
• JPEG Files - Will show all JPEG files available for importing.
• TEXT Resources - Will show any files that contain TEXT resources (such as the Note Pad File or many other files and applications). If the file contains more than 1 TEXT, you will be presented with a dialog that you can view all the TEXT items and will be able to select 1 or several TEXT items to import at the same time (by Shift-clicking or Command-clicking items in the list). Only the topmost TEXT item selected will be displayed.
• PICT Resources - Will show any files that contain PICT resources (such as game files). If the file contains more than 1 PICT, you will be presented with a dialog that you can view all the PICTs and will be able to select 1 or several PICTs to import at the same time (by Shift-clicking or Command-clicking items in the list). Only the topmost PICT selected will be displayed.
• Scrap Files - This will show all scrap files available for merging (importing). It shows files created by ScrapIt, Apple's Scrapbook, Now Scrapbook™ files and SmartScrap™ files. You will be presented with a dialog that you can view all the items in the scrap file and will be able to select 1 or several items to import at the same time (by Shift-clicking or Command-clicking items in the list).
Figure 3 - Import Multiple Files Dialog
• Select multiple files (GIF, JPEG, TIFF, QuickDraw 3D, PICT, TEXT or Sound files) by selecting the “Import Multiple Files” option from the Import/Export submenu (in the “File” menu). You can then select many files (from any folder) by double clicking the filename, or selecting a file name and clicking the “Add” button or “Add All” button. The files you select will be added to the list on the bottom of the window. You can select any of these files and remove it from the list if you make a mistake. After you select all the files you want to import, click the “Import” button to begin, or click “Cancel” to cancel the import.
You can export files by selecting the “Export” option from “Import/Export” submenu (from the “File” menu).
• A TEXT file can be created if the current scrap item is of type “TEXT”.
• A PICT file can be created if the current scrap item is of type “PICT”.
• A QuickDraw 3D file can be created if the current scrap item is of type “3DMF”.
• A GIF file can be created if the current scrap item is of type “GIFf”.
• A TIFF file can be created if the current scrap item is of type “TIFF”.
• A JPEG file can be created if the current scrap item is of type “JPEG”.
• A Sound file can be created if the current scrap item is of type “snd ”.
You can export multiple items by selecting the “Export Multiple Files” option from “Import/Export” submenu (from the “File” menu). After selection this option, you can select multiple items in the list by Shift or Command clicking items. Once you have selected the items for export, click the “Export” button. You must now select a folder in which to place all the files.